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What People Say

  • Hi, The treatment I received at Cottam's dentists while going through my Invisalign treatment was fantastic. The thought of having to have a brace in your mid 20's is a little harrowing, however being given the option of Invisalign and...

    Maisie Rees

  • Dr Cottam is a true professional, skilful and caring. She combines wonderfully her top-level practitioner skills with grace and empathy. Her after care is exceptional and I would recommend Dr Cottam without hesitation in all cases.” Dr D J Crossley...

    Dr D J Crossley

  • I was a bit disappointed when I first heard I needed braces, but the treatment was spread out. It started off easy with a removable brace and then I got my fixed braces. They were painful, but the difference it...


  • The retainers and braces have really helped my teeth, I am very happy with the changes. My teeth look and feel better, thanks to all the orthodontists


  • My braces were amazing…there was not a problem at all. I feel so happy that they have changed and make me feel really grateful


  • Treatment with Dr Cottam has proved beneficial for me and my family. We were offered a joint treatment and this has commenced very well. We are currently wearing Invisalign aligners and have found that they were easy to wear and...

  • Hi, The treatment I received at Cottam's dentists while going through my Invisalign treatment was fantastic. The thought of having to have a brace in your mid 20's is a little harrowing, however being given the option of Invisalign and...

    Maisie Rees

  • Dr Cottam is a true professional, skilful and caring. She combines wonderfully her top-level practitioner skills with grace and empathy. Her after care is exceptional and I would recommend Dr Cottam without hesitation in all cases.” Dr D J Crossley...

    Dr D J Crossley

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